Parent Information for current students


Maylands Peninsula Primary School is an Independent public school and welcomes students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

We are a local intake school with a defined residential catchment area. In WA, children start education in Kindergarten, but compulsory schooling begins in Pre-Primary the following year.

For details on enrolment priorities, visit the Department of Education website.


  • Kindergarten: Enrol children turning 4 by June 30 (non-compulsory).
  • Pre-Primary: Enrol children turning 5 by June 30 (compulsory).
  • Children born between July and December start the following year.
  • Changing schools.
  • New to Western Australia.

Local Intake Area

Maylands Peninsula Primary School is a designated local intake school, meaning we can only accept enrolments from students living within a specific catchment area at the time of enrolment. To confirm your eligibility, please refer to the map below.

Optional intake areas allow parents to choose between two primary schools. If you choose Maylands Peninsula Primary School, we will accept your enrolment application.

Local Intake Map Local Intake Street Names

School Age Calculator

You can find out what year your children need to start school by using the school-age calculator by visiting the Department of Education website.

Enrolment Process and Application Forms


Families who wish to enrol at Maylands Peninsula Primary School should first complete an 'application for enrolment form' available to download below.

The enrolment is a two-step process.

Step1. Application for Enrolment - Complete the Application for Enrolment and email along with the attached supporting and/ or, additional documents listed below.

Step2. Student Enrolment Form - Once the school has approved your Application for Enrolment, you will be contacted to complete the Student Enrolment Form, student consent forms.

Application for Enrolment  - Kindy  Application for Enrolment - PP - Year 6 Statutory Declaration 

Please don't hesitate to contact our Enrolments Officer, 9462 6700, if you require any further assistance.

Supporting Documents

To facilitate your enrolment and meet our requirements, please submit the Application for Enrolment along with the following documents, including two forms of proof of address and supporting documents.

  • ONE of which must be:  Current water or council rates bill, rental agreement (from real estate agent), or Private rental agreement.
  • SECOND: Utilities bill (e.g., electricity or gas). In special cases other documents like, a bank statement or Centrelink letter may be accepted by the Principal.
  • Full birth certificate, or other identity documents.
  • Family Court Orders (if applicable).
  • Information on any special needs, disabilities, or health issues for support (if applicable).
  • Statutory Declaration to support documentation (if applicable).
  • Immunisation records: If accepted, you will need to provide an Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) History Statement, no older than two months, from Medicare. Visit  myGOV. 


The school's role is to provide for the education of the student and their safety and welfare while in the school's care and control. If there are custodial court papers in place for a child, it is vital to inform the principal of the access provisions.

Written documentation including copies of court orders and relevant legal documents must be provided on enrolment.  The school must be notified of any changes.

Important Information

  • An application can only be made at ONE WA GOVERNMENT PRIMARY SCHOOL.
  • Applications WILL NOT be processed until all supporting documentation has been provided.
  • During the school year, students are usually placed in classrooms within two days of completing the enrolment process.
  • New students must present to the school office in school uniform, with their student booklist items. They will be accompanied along with parents/caregivers, to their classroom.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2025


Enrol children turning 4 by June 30 (non-compulsory).

To enrol, parents/caregivers must complete an Application for Enrolment - Kindy  and, if required, a  Statutory Declaration

Please also include all supporting documents, and any relevant medical information, health issues, Family Court Orders, etc.

As places are limited, we encourage early applications. Late applications will be given lower priority. You will be notified in writing by early October regarding the outcome of your application and the closing date.

If your application is accepted, you will need to complete the Student Enrolment Form, and provide a current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) History Statement (no older than two months from Medicare), available via myGOV. 

All children enrolling in Kindergarten must be fully immunised, as per WA Government requirements.

Acceptance for enrolment in Kindergarten does not guarantee enrolment at Maylands Peninsula Primary School for the following compulsory year, unless the child lives in that school's local intake area.

Please visit our Kindergarten page for specific information about how the Kindergarten operates.

International Student Enrolments - TIWA


Under WA Government regulations, dependants of overseas students have a lower enrolment priority in a school than Australian citizens, permanent residents, and some temporary residents.

Dependants of international Masters and PhD students can enrol in public schools but may not be entitled to attend the nearest school, especially due to high demand for places.

Enrolments for overseas fee-paying students at a school is at the discretion of the principal, who must ensure that the school has an appropriate education program, and available classroom space.

In Western Australia, Kindergarten is not a compulsory school year and therefore, kindergarten placements may not be given as high priority by TIWA as placements for compulsory schooling.

If your child speaks a language other than English, the school will arrange an interview with our EALD specialist teacher to determine the best schooling option for your child.

If the school determines that additional support is required, you must pay these fees to TAFE International (TIWA) prior to your child commencing school.

You must pay  contributions and charges that apply to all WA Government schools, and you will also need to pay the school directly for other expenses including:

  • School books, personal items, school uniforms
  • Excursions, incursions, school camps
  • Transport to and from school
  • Stationery

Enrolment Eligibility Based on Visa Type

Australian citizens and residents, including holders of 457 or 482 visas, can enrol directly to a public school.

New Zealand citizens holding a Special Category Visa (subclass 444) can also apply directly to a school. Visa status is processed upon arrival, with a passport stamp serving as confirmation—no additional visa documentation is required.

For all other visa holders, enrolment requirements and fees vary based on the specific visa subclass. Detailed information is available on the TAFE International Western Australia website.

For further guidance, visit the Dependants of Visa Holders page.

Fees for English as an Additional Language

If your child speaks a language other than English, the school will arrange an interview with our EALD specialist teacher to determine the best schooling option for your child.

If your child cannot speak English sufficiently well the school can require that they attend an intensive English Language course. In this case, you will need to pay between $1500 to $3000 per child.

English as an additional language or dialect (EALD): Additional fee of AUD$1,500 a year applies for support.

Intensive English Centre (IEC): Additional fee of AUD$3,000 a year for placement.

Fees for Disability Support

If your child has special needs (that is, learning difficulties or a disability) there are fees for tuition and specialist support, please see additional costs.

'Fee-Waiver' Dependant (Postgraduate Students on Visa Subclass 500)

Parents undertaking a postgraduate course on a Student Visa (subclass 500) must enrol their children in a public school. Follow these steps:

  • Once you have received the Public School Placement form and application link, from your University,complete Section A of the Public School Placement form.
  • Approach the school and submit a completed Application for Enrolment directly to the school – you will need to include the following:
  • Evidence of current visa subclass and previous visa subclass (if applicable, previous visa, if the current visa is a Bridging visa) for yourself and your child. 
  • The completed Section A of Public School Placement form.
  • Birth certificate / identity documents.
  • Primary Visa holders passport details page.
  • The passport details page for each child.
  • Proof of residential address  - ONE of which must be:  Current water or council rates bill, rental agreement (from real estate agent), or Private rental agreement. SECOND: Utilities bill (e.g., electricity or gas).
  • Information relating to health or medical condition, disability or additional needs (if applicable).
  • Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) History Statement,  (must be no older than two months, downloadable from your My Gov, account).
  • If your child speaks a language other than English, the school will arrange an interview with our EALD specialist teacher to determine the best schooling option for your child.
  • The school will notify you if the Application for Enrolment of your child is approved. 

The school then will complete Section B of the Public School Placement form which you will need to provide to your University to complete the application process. TIWA will provide the school with an 'Authority to Enrol' and invoice the family for any additional costs, if applicable.

Once the Authority to Enrol'  is received by the school,  you will contacted to complete the Student Enrolment Form (Part 2) , complete student consents forms, then we can arrange a commencement date for your child, and arrange payment of the contributions and charges that apply to all WA Government schools.

Full 'Fee-Paying' Dependant (Undergraduate Students)

'Fee Paying' Students (Visa class , 400, 580, 590, 600, 601, 602, 651, or 500) must enrol their children in a public school.  Follow these steps:  full-fee-paying students

  • Your child/children are not eligible for a tuition fee waiver, and l need to be enrolled as full-fee paying overseas students for the duration of your visa.
  • Approach a school and submit a completed Application for Enrolment directly to the school – you will need to include the following:
  • Approach the school and submit a completed Application for Enrolment directly to the school – you will need to include the following:
  • Evidence of current visa subclass and previous visa subclass (if applicable, previous visa, if the current visa is a Bridging visa) for yourself and your child. 
  • The completed Section A of Public School Placement form.
  • Birth certificate / identity documents.
  • Primary Visa holders passport details page.
  • The passport details page for each child.
  • Proof of residential address  - ONE of which must be:  Current water or council rates bill, rental agreement (from real estate agent), or Private rental agreement. SECOND: Utilities bill (e.g., electricity or gas).
  • Information relating to health or medical condition, disability or additional needs (if applicable).
  • Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) History Statement,  (must be no older than two months, downloadable from your My Gov, account).
  • Your Application for Enrolment will be considered at the discretion of the principal , who must ensure that the school has an appropriate education program, and available classroom space. See overseas fee-paying.
  • If your child speaks a language other than English, the school will arrange an interview with our EALD specialist teacher to determine the best schooling option for your child.
  • The school will notify you if the enrolment of your child is approved,  and complete Section B of the Public School Placement form and retain a copy with the Application for Enrolment.
  • The parent must then complete TIWA's Overseas fee-paying application online form, upload the completed Public School Placement form for their child, and liaise with TIWA.
  • TIWA will register the student and set up a payment with the family before the enrolment is finalised.
  • TIWA will then provide an 'Authority to Enrol'  to the school, and invoice the family for any additional costs, if applicable.

Once the Authority to Enrol'  is received by the school,  you will contacted to complete the Student Enrolment Form (Part 2) , complete student consents forms, then we can arrange a commencement date for your child. 

Due to high demand for places in Western Australian public schools, places in your local school and other nearby schools may not be available.

Please note: your child is not permitted to enrol at the school until the  Authority to Enrol - Confirmation of School Placement Letter  has been issued.

Parents must let the school and TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) know of any changes to their visa, study conditions or change of school.

Immunisation for children moving from Overseas

When moving to Australia, ensure your child's overseas immunisations are recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).. Take your child's immunisation documents to a doctor or immunisation provider, who will update their AIR record and advise on any additional immunisations needed.

If translation or support services are needed:

  1. Ask your doctor or immunisation provider, and they will liaise with the local WA Health Public Health Unit for document translation, or
  2. Alternatively, apply for translation services through the Department of Home Affairs.

Location & Map

The school is located at 60 Kelvin Street, Maylands WA 6051 with visitor parking available on Kelvin Street or the carpark adjacent Gibbney Reserve off Ferguson Street.

The Kindergarten is at the Eastern end of the school closest to Queen Street. Most Kindy parents find it easiest to park along Queen Street and enter the school past the playgrounds. Parking and entry is also available from Kelvin Street near Susan Street.

School Map Google Maps

Parent Information

Our school website is your portal, to a wealth of information regarding our school and our community. Should you have any further questions regarding the enrolment  process, or school tours, please contact our office, weekdays during school hours.

For more information about our school, please visit Parent Information

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

The following providers provide out of school hours care for our students. Please contact them directly to arrange before and after school care for your child:

Maylands Out of School Care  
5 Richard Street, Maylands 0455 661 337 or 9272 7732 or email

KidsCare Out of School Care
88 Sussex St, Maylands  0401 825 041 or 9271 8088 or email