Parent Information

Please find below information for parents/caregivers about the operations of Maylands Peninsula Primary School.

2025 Term Dates

Term 1
Wednesday, 5 February – Friday, 11 April 2025

Public Holiday
Monday, 3 March 2025 Labour Day

Term 2

Monday, 28 April – Friday, 4 July 2025

Public Holidays
Friday 25, April 2025 Anzac Day
Monday, 2 June 2025 Western Australia Day

Term 3
Monday, 21 July – Friday, 26 September 2025

Term 4
Monday, 13 October – Thursday, 18 December 2025

SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DAYS 2025 - students do NOT attend

Term 1 - Monday, 3 & Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Term 2 -Tuesday, 3 June 2025

Term 3 - Monday, 21 July 2025

Term 4 - Monday, 13 October & Friday, 18 December 2025

School Calendar

2025 Voluntary Contributions and Charges

Financial support by parents/caregivers has always played a significant role in providing resources that extend the schools capacity to add value to the learning experiences of students. The continuing partnership between schools are parents is vital to ensuring that all students receive a level of education sufficient to carry them forward in today's society

Contributions are voluntary; however the quality of our teaching and learning programs will be maximised when each family makes a contribution to supplement funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments. Contributions collected at Maylands Peninsula Primary School contribute to items including resources to support student activities, photocopied materials for Teaching and Learning programs, reading books, Library resources, Physical Education resources and Learning Area resources.

Payment can be made at any time through the year on Qkr.

2025 Contributions and Charges schedule

2025 Personal Items Lists

MPPS use Campion as our Personal Items lists supplier.

Click on the year level of your child for 2025 to download the pdf personal items list.

ALL ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETED Online at, by Friday, 6th December 2024. 

Use code "XG6GT" to access Maylands Peninsula PS booklists with  Campion

Orders placed after Friday, 6th December will incur a late fee of up to $8.00.



Assemblies are each Friday fortnight in the undercover area from 8.45am. Parents and caregivers are welcome to watch.


Attendance of all enrolled students, including those in Kindergarten, is compulsory. It is expected that all students attend a minimum of 90% of the school year. At Maylands Peninsula Primary School, we strive for a target of 96%. In order to achieve this, we encourage parents to:

  • carefully plan holidays to avoid clashes with school term dates;
  • ensure punctuality as lateness is recorded; and
  • schedule appointments outside of school hours where possible.

Did you realise that if your child has one absence every week over 7 years of compulsory schooling, it is the equivalent to over a year of school being missed!


All absences require written or verbal confirmation from parent to the school office, or teacher If your child is absent from school, we request you send an SMS to 0408 947 235 as early as possible and leave a message stating:

  • Your child's name
  • Room number and;
  • Reason for absence.

Alternatively, you may use the online form or email your child's teacher or the school with details of their absence.

Absentee Form

In Term Vacation

If you plan to take your child(ren) out during the school term, please come to the school office to complete a leave request form in the school office, complete theIn-term Vacation form available under the school forms tab on the school website or send an email to the school with the following details:

  • The nature of the in-term absence- overseas holiday, attending a significant family event e.g. wedding.
  • The dates your child(ren) will be absent from school.

Late arrivals

Parents and students must go to Administration if arriving after 8.45am to collect a late pass that students give to their class teacher

Early Departures

Parents/Caregivers must sign out students at Administration if departing before 3.00pm (or 2.30pm on Tuesday). You will be given a Passtab sticker to take to the class teacher. A teacher can not release the child without the printed sticker.

Before / After School Arrangements

It is advised that students arrive at school no earlier than 8.30am for duty of care purposes. If students arrive before 8.30am, they are to sit in the undercover/courtyard area until they are released by a member of the Leadership Team.

We request that parents/caregivers sit with their child/ren in the undercover/courtyard area rather than waiting outside classrooms. We appreciate your support on this.

See below for Out of School Hours providers 

Bell Times

Arrival 8.30am (students will be supervised in the undercover area from 8.15am)
Classes Begin 8.45am (8.40am Friday even weeks for assembly)
Recess 10.30am – 10.50am
Lunch 12.20pm – 1.00pm
School Ends  3.00pm (except Tuesdays when students finish at 2.30pm).
Tuesday Early Close 2.30pm End of school day
Supervision is provided in Junior A wet area if students are unable to be collected until 3.00pm.

Kindy Bell Times

Bicycles / Scooters

Those riding to school should ensure that their bicycles, scooters and helmets are secured with a padlock and chain.  The bike rack is situated behind JA3.  Students must walk their bikes and scooters while on school grounds.

The Police bike safety officers recommend students under Year 4 should not ride to school. Note: Wearing of bicycle helmets is compulsory.

Birthday Cupcakes

The exception to our Healthy Food and Drink Policy is the provision of individual cupcakes for class mates on the date of your child's birthday, or on the nearest school day.  Only cupcakes may be brought in as they are easy to serve.  Please see your child's teacher to find out how many cupcakes will be required and whether any children in the class have food allergies or intolerances.  Please note that providing cupcakes is optional, not a requirement.

Book Club

Book Club is run by P&C volunteers. There are six issues throughout the year with vouchers being earned for the school library with every purchase.

All orders are online using the Scholastic LOOP system.




All school events are on the calendar which can be automatically pulled into your own device using the "Subscribe" option.

School Calendar


Canteen is operated 5 days per week by P&C Volunteers. All orders are online via Qkr.

Order on Qkr


Connect is the primary means of communication between the school and parents/caregivers. It is required that all parents/caregivers receive and read their Connect notices. Notifications can be received on any smart device with the Connect Now app and an email notification will also be sent.

Connect is a learning, support and communications platform developed by the Department of Education WA for use in public schools. It is secure and is available via the Connect Now app and Connect website.

The MPPS Parent Space on Connect has all the latest updates, P&C news and important documents for Parents/Caregivers. Connect is also used by some class teachers to stay in contact with parents/caregivers.

Student Reports are available on Connect and Connect Now.

Your login for Connect will be a 'P Number' and password. If you aren't receiving Connect notices or forgot your P number and password please reset your password or contact the school.

Download the Connect Now app to see all school communications and access your child's reports.


Connect and Respect

Standing together against violence- Connect and Respect

In recent times, there has been a lot of attention in the media about the escalation of inappropriate and often violent events taking place in schools perpetrated by students and/or family members.

Whilst the overwhelming majority of students and families show care and respect for peers and school staff, the increasing prevalence of acts of violence and aggression in schools is of concern.

In response the Minister of Education, Mr Tony Buti, released the Standing together against violence statement to respond to the complicated social issue of violence in schools. Quite simply, students, teachers and staff members have a right to feel safe at school.

The Minister's statement includes a series of actions and initiatives that support the work of schools, and the shared community responsibility to ensure safe learning environments. This includes Connect and Respect, an initiative to prevent and respond to aggressive behaviour and violence from parents/ caregivers. A series of guides have been developed to set clear expectations about how parents and school staff engage with one another. This includes:

· Standing together against violence- Minister's statement on how families can help keep schools safe.

· Connect and Respect- Engagement

· Connect and Respect- Expectations

We all share a responsibility for providing a safe, supportive and productive environment, free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.

Connect and Respect Engagement

Connect and Respect Expectation

Standing Together Against Violence

A3 Connect and Respect Poster

Crunch & Sip and Healthy Lunchboxes

Maylands Peninsula Primary School encourages healthy lunchboxes and the Crunch & Sip program in classrooms.

Crunch & Sip program

Cyber Safety

Maylands Peninsula Primary School subscribes to Safe On Social who provide invaluable cheat sheets for parents/caregivers and students about all the latest apps and issues with online safety for your child.

We've attached the latest parenting content for our community, and you'll also be able to find this PDF in the online portal under the 'Resources For Parents' section.


Find the latest information to help you manage online safety issues at . It includes easy to read, current information for students and parents.

Dental Clinic

Children have access to dental care at the dental clinic located at Mount Lawley Primary School, from Pre-Primary to Year 6. Parents will be notified of dental appointments throughout the year via a letter sent home with their child.  If emergency treatment is required during the holidays contact the clinic on 9271 5561.

If any after hour emergencies arise and treatment is required, please contact the emergency service on phone: 1800 098 818, Perth Children's hospital (PCH) or your Private Practitioner.


Family members are placed in one of our school factions: Brearley (blue), Ferguson (red), Hardey (green) and Venville (gold). There are two captains for each faction.

Students participate in a faction athletics carnival in Term 3, and Year 4-6 students compete in a swimming carnival each year.



The school requires parents/caregivers to complete forms for many reasons including:

  • change of details
  • medication
  • medical and health care plans
  • online consent
  • parent/caregiver volunteer
  • student leaving MPPS

Most forms required for parents/caregivers to complete are available on our website. Your time is valuable, so we encourage parents/caregivers to fill out our forms in advance.

Download and complete the form/s required and email to the school office, or drop them into the office next time you visit the school. If you are not sure if a form is required please contact us.

Should you have any further questions please contact the school office.

School Forms


Under the school's 'No hat, no play' policy, students are required to wear a hat during Summer, Autumn and Spring when engaged in outdoor activities. Hats are not required from 1 June - 31 August.

Hat Wearing Policy

Healthy Food and Drink Policy

Maylands Peninsula Primary School is committed to creating an environment that promotes learning and teaches good eating and physical activity patterns for long term health.  We are well placed to support healthy eating and reinforce nutrition messages being taught in the classroom by modelling healthy food and drink choices that are tasty, interesting and affordable.

Along with the requirement that students participate in a minimum of two hours of physical activity, the Healthy Food and Drink Policy is another step in ensuring our children are fit and healthy.

'Traffic light coding' is used in the canteen and we ask parents/caregivers to also consider this when packing their child's lunch box.

  • Green foods fill the menu and include breads, cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes, reduced fat dairy products, lean meat, water and low fat milk based drinks.
  • Amber foods are selected carefully and are limited e.g. full fat, pastry foods, snack food bars, cakes, muffins, biscuits and ice-creams.
  • Red foods are off the menu and include confectionery, pastry items, sandwich meats and deep fried foods.


Educational research clearly indicates that the completion of homework has very little impact on student achievement.  Each teacher at Maylands Peninsula Primary School is responsible for deciding whether or not to set homework. If homework is to be set it must meet the following guidelines:

  • Relate directly to the learning and teaching programs.
  • Support the development of the student's independence as a learner.
  • Further the partnership between school and home.
  • Avoid dependence on unreasonable levels of parental assistance or resources that are not readily available to the student.
  • Be set without impinging on reasonable time for family, recreational, cultural and employment pursuits relevant to the student's age, development and educational aspirations.

The school and P&C have paid for students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 to have access to Mathletics, and Kindergarten to Year 5 students (with some selected Year 6 students) access to Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress.  Children may log on at home and complete set tasks as often as they wish. Children have been allocated activities based on their ability.


See your child's teacher for details of their logon user name and password.

In-term Swimming Lessons

All Pre-primary to Year 6 students participate in swimming lessons provided by the Department of Education.

Involvement with your child's schooling

Schools and parents/caregivers have a shared responsibility when it comes to providing optimal conditions for student engagement and learning.  Family engagement does not happen in a vacuum.  It takes committed actions of both families and schools working together in partnership to support student success.

Vital to this partnership is communication between home and school.  Communication from the school to parents takes a number of forms:

  • SMS messages when a child is absent.
  • Phone call home when a child is ill or injured.
  • Notification by note, phone call or message in Communication Book if your child is receiving an award at an assembly.
  • Communication Books operate in some classrooms. You will be provided with this information at your child's teacher's 'Meet The Teacher Night'.
  • Some teachers have set up Class Connect Communities for the parents /caregivers of students in their class.
  • Emails or phone calls from your child's teacher on occasions regarding whole class or individual student matters.
  • Fortnightly newsletters are sent every Friday fortnight.
  • All school communication is via Connect, parents/caregivers are responsible for reading all Connect notices.
  • School calendar, and key information is available on the school website.
  • Letters of Concern when a child's progress, behaviour or attitude warrant parent notification.
  • Note home and notification via Qkr! and Connect of incursions and excursions.

Please ensure your contact details (phone numbers, email address etc.) and those of your emergency contacts are updated via Qkr or at the school office whenever there is a change.

To make contact with your child's teacher please phone the school office on 9462 6700 to arrange an appointment, or alternatively email the teacher directly.

Your child's teacher is the best person to contact regarding any aspect of your child's progress (academic, behavioural, emotional).  Any matter relating to the school or its operation can be directed to Mr Andrijich, Mrs Alver or Ms Congdon.


Please visit our Kindergarten page for specific information about how the Kindergarten operates.


Our school library is open for use four days a week – not Friday. Each class, Pre-Primary - Year 6 is timetabled for a borrowing period during the week.

Books are on loan for one week (Year 6 students borrow for 2 weeks) and the use of a library bag is required.

Children are encouraged to take care with library materials and may be asked to meet the replacement cost of books, whether lost or damaged through mishandling.

Location and Map

The school is located at 60 Kelvin Street, Maylands WA 6051 with visitor parking available on Kelvin Street or the carpark adjacent Gibbney Reserve off Ferguson Street.

School Map Google Maps Aerial Map

Managing Student Behaviour

Maylands Peninsula Primary School has a behaviour management plan to ensure all stakeholders maximise learning opportunities.

Student Behaviour Policy

Mobile Phones

All students must have their mobile phones switched off and away whilst on school grounds and hand them to their class teacher for safe keeping at the beginning of the school day.

Phones will be returned at the end of the school day but cannot be switched on again until the student has left school grounds. Students are able to contact parents/caregivers via the school's phone if required, and vice versa.

Mobile Phone Policy


Fortnightly newsletters will be sent on a Friday afternoon.  These will keep you informed of all the events that are happening during the fortnight.  Items of a community based nature may be included in the newsletter if there is room and will need to be given to the School Officer by Wednesday lunchtime.


Nut Aware

Currently there is no cure for nut allergies and avoidance of the food is the only way to prevent a reaction. 1 in 2 children suffer from nut and other food allergies and some of them will experience a life-threatening (anaphylactic) reaction.

We have a number of students who are allergic to nuts and are subject to an anaphylactic reaction.

In an effort to provide a safe environment for students with allergies to nuts, Maylands Peninsula Primary School is seeking the support of the whole school community to help make our school nut free by ensuring sandwiches, cakes, slices, biscuits, muesli bars, chocolate bars, dips etc. are nut free.

Online Consent

All students require one parent/caregiver to provide consent for online services at the time of enrolment.

A separate form will be emailed once all enrolments forms are completed.

If consent is not provided, the student will be unable to use any information technology such as iPads, Chromebooks or computers in the classroom.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

The following providers provide out of school hours care for our students. Please contact them directly to arrange before and after school care for your child:

Maylands Out of School Care  
5 Richard Street, Maylands 0455 661 337 or 9272 7732 or email

KidsCare Out of School Care
88 Sussex St, Maylands  0401 825 041 or email


The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is responsible for some crucial tasks of our school including running the canteen, uniform shop and fundraising activities.  The P&C organise events for the school community that our kids love and also provide invaluable additional funds for the school. All are welcome to attend monthly meetings held in the school library on the first Wednesday of the month during school terms.

What the P&C Do


Uniform Shop

Fundraising & Events

Parent Helpers

Classes may have parents/caregivers who help in classes at various times, including:

  • act as liaison and central contact for all parents/caregivers in the class;
  • assist the class teacher in coordinating parent help within the classroom when the need arises;
  • liaise with the P & C in distributing information and fund-raising;
  • accompany class on school excursion;
  • act as initial contact in welcoming new families ensuring they have all the information they need about the school;
  • respond to problems that occur in families by liaising with the school and the home in times of crisis.

Parents need to sign in and out at reception.  They will be given a Passtab 'visitor' sticker which they must wear.  If you wish to volunteer to 'help out' in your child's class, please contact your child's teacher.

If you are going to be helping us as a Parent Helper or in some other capacity on-site we are required under Departmental policy to have you sign a Volunteer Declaration form.


Parking is a real issue for the school.  Parking at pick up and drop off times is monitored by Rangers from the City of Bayswater. Parents/caregivers are advised to adhere to traffic rules and regulations at all times.

Designated parent parking is available on Kelvin Street.  Two additional parking areas exist alongside Gibbney Reserve, one in Ferguson Street and the other in Queen Street.  The staff parking area has two disabled bays which may be accessed by parents/caregivers with the appropriate ACROD permit. There is also ACROD parking available in the car park off Ferguson Street.

The designated 'Kiss and Drop' zone is on Kelvin Street for the set down and pick up of students.  Please ensure your children alight from the left side of the vehicle.  Parents/caregivers must remain in the vehicle.

Bayswater Parking Information

Payments on Qkr

Qkr! app is the preferred method for parents/caregivers to provide consent and payment for all school activities including excursions, camp, incursions, swimming etc.

The P&C also use Qkr and is the only way to place Canteen and Uniform Shop orders or buy raffle tickets and donate to fundraising events.

Qkr payments are charged to a debit or credit card. Every student needs at least one parent/caregiver to download and use the Qkr app. Help us be a cashless school and reduce our paper by using Qkr!

Use this Qkr help card to setup Qkr on your device or visit the school administration for assistance.


Payment Options


School policies

Preventing & Managing Bullying

Maylands Peninsula Primary School aims to offer a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment. All members of our school community are committed to ensuring a safe and supportive environment where all members have the right to be respected and have a responsibility to respect each other. We treat bullying as a serious issue.

Bullying Policy


Whilst at Maylands Peninsula Primary School, your child will be a part of a caring environment that stimulates them to have a love of learning; to be creative and to contribute to their community.

They will be immersed in a broad and engaging curriculum which includes programs for those who would benefit from extension and enrichment activities and support for students at risk of not reaching their education potential.

Our curriculum reflects the WA Department of Education requirements in teaching the eight learning areas.

Visit our programs to learn more about what is on offer at Maylands Peninsula Primary School

EALD ProgramAboriginal CultureAcademic Extension Instrumental Music

Running Club

The very popular Running Club program is held every Tuesday and Friday morning 8:00-8:35am on Gibbney Reserve for members of our school community


  • Improve students' aerobic fitness and to explore how regular physical activity keeps individuals healthy and well.
  • Give students an opportunity to set goals and be accountable for their own health and wellbeing.
  • Create bonds with students within the school.
  • Allow students to challenge themselves.
  • Prepare students for the Interschool Cross Country carnival in Term 2.


  • Students will run around the 400m running track (soccer goals on Gibbney Reserve).
  • Each student will receive a unique QR code to keep track of how far they have run.
  • Once students have completed 100km, they will be presented with a certificate and badge at assembly.


  • All students in Years 3-6. Younger students are able to attend but must be supervised by parents/caregivers.
  • Miss Wyatt will be organising and running the MPPS Running Club.
  • House Captains are in charge of setting up the course in the mornings and recording students' laps.


  • Every Tuesday and Friday morning 8:00-8:35am.


  • Meet Miss Wyatt/Mr Christie near the drink fountain on Gibbney Reserve.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Do students have to run every lap, or can they walk some?

A: No, students do not have to run every lap. If students would like to walk laps that is fine.

Q: Do students have to come every Tuesday and Friday morning?

A: No, it is not compulsory to come. Students are able to come down whenever they like.

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum of how many laps students must run each morning?

A: No, students can run as much or as little as they want until 8:35am. At the conclusion of the session, students will be sent off to class to prepare for the day.

Q: Do you need to sign up?

A: No, just turn up on Tuesday and Friday mornings after 8:00am with your QR code and start running!

Please see Miss Wyatt if you have any questions about the MPPS Running Club.

School Health Services

School Health Services provide an array of information for parents to read including Ten top tips for a great start to school, Health information for parents and carers with children starting school and Health information for parents and carers of upper primary children.


2024 Staff

Student Reports

Parents/caregivers are welcome to contact teachers at any time to discuss student progress. Formal reporting occurs at the end of each semester for all students in Kindergarten, Pre-primary and Years 1-6. These reports are available on the Connect Now app and a link to reports is emailed to parents/caregivers that is valid for 4 weeks.

NAPLAN results for Year 3 & 5 students will be sent home in Term 3.

Student Well-Being

At Maylands Peninsula Primary School, the emotional and physical wellbeing of our students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents, and in their future lives. Physically and emotionally healthy students are happy, able to deal positively with life's challenges, experience a sense of connectedness with the school and others, and are well placed to develop into well-balanced and successful young adults.

Learn more about Student Wellbeing including our Student Services Team, School Psychologist Service, Student Welfare Officer and our Values Program.


MPPS has a strong focus on sustainability. We are continually looking to reducing our carbon foot with electronic communications, extensive recycling programs, solar panels and LED tube installations and an extensive recycling program.

The P&C have a sustainability coordinator who manages all the recycling programs and would love to discuss if you have any ideas around sustainability

Recycling Program


Maylands Peninsula Primary School's Dress Code has been developed to promote a positive image of the school and to create a sense of identity amongst students. Students are expected to comply with the Code as they are expected to comply with other school rules i.e. classroom behaviour, absences, bullying etc.

Acceptance of enrolment at Maylands Peninsula Primary School assumes an agreement between the parent/caregiver and the student to conform to the Code.

All students are encouraged to wear the school's colours of, navy blue and light blue with the logo on the shirt. If you are unable to get those supplied by our uniform shop, clothing without the logo is acceptable.

Uniform Shop

Visiting the School

Maylands Peninsula Primary School encourages parents/caregivers to visit the school as often as they wish.  To ensure the safety of all children in our changing society we do need to make the following rules for all visitors, including parents.

  • Parents/caregivers arriving at the school to pick up a child early must sign in at the office.
  • Visitors and non-education employees must sign in at the office and wear a VISITOR sticker whilst in the school.
  • If you wish to have a formal interview with a teacher you can make an appointment with them directly or through the office. We don't encourage more than a friendly 'Hello' in the morning unless a meeting has been arranged. Mornings are a vital preparation and supervision time for teachers to ensure the well-being of your children.

School Partnerships

Department of Education

Midvale Hub

Triple P Parenting Program

Communicable Diseases

Latest information from Department of Health WA regarding Communicable Diseases and when students need to stay home.


If you have any feedback about the website or information you would like included, please email